Spring season is finally here, and as winter finally passes it takes with it all the snow that’s accumulated in the last couple of months. The spring thaw the most important signs that the warmer weather is finally on its way, but as what snow on your roof melts into water, it may also mean water damage.

Water damage could be a problem year-round, however in spring, all the melting snow makes it a specific problem. As you will begin the process of de-winterizing your facility and also preparing for the upcoming spring maintenance tasks, be sure to pay special attention to this problem and tackle any cases as soon as possible.

The assessment

As with virtually every building maintenance operation, appropriate and frequent assessment is a key element in managing water damage. When this problem is frequently not hard to identify, spend additional time on windows and the roof area. Not only will these areas have gathered a great deal of water throughout the wintertime in the form of snow, however they can also provide any stagnant water with a way into your facility and damage walls or your roof. Also, concentrate your efforts on kitchens, bathrooms or perhaps anywhere else with exposed plumbing while you’re at it.

Follow your nose

In the event you don’t see the telltale bubbling within your walls or roof, it is possible there might still be stagnant water building up. RealEstate.com noted that an aesthetic examination is very important, but be sure that you don’t ignore your other senses. Wet wood starts to rot, and that could provide off a distinct smell. Similarly, anyone who’s ever experienced stagnant water can let you know that the odor it gives off is as recognizable as it is unpleasant. Make sure you do not permit a shortage of graphic proof of water damage blind you to what your nose is telling you.

Take mold seriously

Unfortunately, in many cases, standing water can result in mold. When the time comes to repair water damage within your facility, any mold – especially black mold – which you find should be a leading priority, as it can pose a considerable wellness risk to a building’s occupants. When you do get a hold of mildew, don’t merely cover it up. Painting over a patch won’t kill it that can only allow it to be harder to treat and detect. Any mildew you will find should be vigorously scrubbed with bleach and water solution in a one-to-eight proportion. In extreme cases, it may possibly be better to call in mold removal professionals who are able to properly remove the undesirable spores.

If you experience water damage, flooding, mold or any type of damage restoration you can contact us at San Diego Water Damage Repair Experts, 24/7!